

Let’s consider and talk about “water“, express your ideas in animation!

Animated Learning for High School Students in Japan and Japanese Language Learners

5-day on-line workshop from September to December 2024

  • Plenary work on Sept. 29 (Sun), Oct. 6 (Sun) , Oct. 20 (Sun), Nov. 10 (Sun)
  • Presentation on Dec. 22 (Sun)
  • In between the plenary work days, there will be online group work and individual work at home..
  • High school students (Japanese native speakers) and learners of Japanese shall gather from different places of the world for animated learning about “water 水”.
  • 3 steps of Animated Learning:
    • Step 1 Learn and consider the theme “water”
    • Step 2 Discuss ideas and mature what you want to convey
    • Step 3 Express your ideas in animation and various ways of expression, then present your results
  • Animation/film/manga experts, water experts, and university students will support you.
  • Why not do what you want to do with us?
      • Make friends with native Japanese speakers…
      • Climate change and water, I want to express my ideas in animation…
      • I want to learn about what is happening on the earth…
      • I want to make art about “water”…
      • I want to challenge 日本語 and making-animation…
        • What would you like to do with us?
  • Water is essential for our survival and also causes local and global problems and conflicts.
  • In our workshop, participants (you), group leaders of university students, and experts will consider “water” as a personal matter, and discuss ideas (proposals, etc.) for the water cycle and various social issues caused by water.
  • You can express your ideas in animated cartoons and in any expression that you are good at.
  • Depletion of water resources, heavy rainfall and floods, environmental problems, industry and consumer society, national and international disparities, water around us, and our use of water…etc. are all related to the 17 goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • “Water” travels around and connects the environment, society, and economy.
  • Learn about “water” and communicate “water”!


  • Dates
    • 1st Day:September 29 (Sun)
    • 2nd Day:October 6 (Sun)
    • 3rd Day:October 20 (Sun)
    • 4th DayNovember 10 (Sun)
    • 5th Day:December 22 (Sun)【Presentation】
  • Time
    • 5PM~(JST/UTC +9、8AM GMT)
    • 2 hours~3 hours per work day
  • Participation Free
    • You should get ready (1) mobile phone/tablet/computer with camera, (2) internet connection, (3) tools and materials for making animation/video.
  • 40 participants max:Advance application required – If there are too many applicants, selection will be made on the basis of application form and interview.
    • Group participation is also possible (around 4 participants per group).
    • Individual participation will be in mixed group(Japanese native speakers and Japanese language learners).
    • As a general rule, you are required to attend all five days.
  • Eligible applicant
    • High school student or people aged between 15 and 18 living in Japan (regardless of nationality or origin)
    • Japanese language learner living outside Japan (aged between 15 and 20)
  • Japanese language ability
    • Japanese language learners should be able to hold basic conversations in Japanese. (JLPT N3 or above is recommended)
    • Even if you speak elementary Japanese, however, you are willing to engage in discussion and exchange in Japanese actively, you might be allowed to participate.
    • You can speak “International English(やさしい英語)”.
    • ALLjp hopes you will to use every means available to converse with your peers and complete your message-animation.
      • every means… AI translator, dictionary, body language, visual language (drawing, pictogram, onomatopoeia/onomatopée), music, and so on.

What you will do

Before workshop ・Online interview with ALLjp (organizer) – around 30 minutes by Zoom.
  ALLjp hears what you are good, want to learn, desire to express in animation.
  ALLjp explains the outline of the workshop.
Homework・You make “One-pager” to answer 2 questions relating “water”.
  You make one page presentation with visual expressions that you can use.
  You will present your One-pager at the first day of workshop.
  ★ You can see the last participants’ One-pager>>
Sept. 29
・Orientation: What and How you will do works.
・Presentation of One-pager.
・Make a very short stop-motion animation with small objects.
・Talk about “water”, which concerns around us and in the world.
Oct. 6
・Watch your stop-motion animation.
・Group work:Discuss message that you express in animation.
・Interim presentation of your group message and themes.
・Lecture:(1) various visual expression.
・Lecture:(2) you can express visually in one minute.
・Group work:Decide on message, write down the worksheet Idea Note.
Oct. 20 
・Orientation:role-sharing and scheduling.
・Group work:Make a plot of message animation.
・Interim presentation of your group plot.
・Lecture:Plan animation, make a storyboard.
・Group work:Structure storyboard, design characters and background.
Nov. 10
・Interim presentation of storyboard, expert advice/feedback.
・Group work:Brush up storyboard.
・Group work:Decide materials, apps, roles and schedule for production.
Before the final presentation・Group and individual work of shooting and editing message animation.
・How and who present message animation on the last day.
・Make presentation slides.
Dec. 22

Final presentation
・Group presentation and expert feedback.
・Group work:group work review.
  • You will do individual work in-between work days to complete your group message animation.
  • Activities are subject to be changed.
  • Online exchange and group work on Slack (team communication app)
  • You can introduce yourself, upload your works (One-pager, very-short-animation, worksheets).
  • You can talk with your peers.
  • When you have questions, experts shall answer and advice you.
  • In-between work days, you can work with your peers online.

Goals and works in the group

  • You make a message animation and present your group’s “water” message on the last day, Dec. 22.
  • You should:
    • (1) In animation, you express your “water” message (science research, social challenges, proposals, poem/feeling, art, etc.).
    • (2) You use the Japanese in your works (worksheets and final animation). You can use any Japanese expression such as onomatopee, manga-sign, pictogram).
    • (3) The theme is water – 水
      • ・ Watch the water around us, learn the water on/under the ground.
      • ・ Try digging down related issues caused by the water. Your proposals for solving the issues shall be highly welcome.
  • ALLjp expects you to do a terrific presentation on the last day, as well as to consider how to spread your message animation and your proposals after closing the workshop.

What you should prepare

  • Materials  
    • ●mobile phone/tablet/computer with camera
    • ●internet connection
    • ●tools and materials for making animation/video footage
    • ●worksheet and learning tools download from ALLjp site
  • Apps Before the first day, you should download and install

Experts who support your activity

  • Specialist in animation production and storytelling
  • Chie ARAI (Nonki-san)
  • Associate Professor, Bunka Gakuen University, Faculty of Art and Design 
  • Hand-drawn animator and illustrator. After working for an animation production company, Arai has been independent since 2002.
  • Aside from her work, she continues to produce and present flip books, picture books and films at her own leisure.
  • Her love of flip books(ぱらぱらマンガ) led her to organize group exhibitions, which she has held irregularly since 2006, mainly in Tokyo.
  • Member of the Japan Animation Association (JAA).
  • http://a-nonki.net/

  • Specialist in film education and production
  • Hiroaki SATO (Satoh-san)
  • Part-time lecturer, Nihon University College of Art, Department of Film Studies, etc. 
  • Born 1962. Produces video art and documentaries. Sato’s latest work is a documentary film about bluesman Kozy Ouchi, Blues Nendorii (2021, 111 mins), which is currently being shown at live houses nationwide. From 1995 to 2005, he trained local video reporters through the Agricultural Information Channel. With the belief that ‘filmmaking is like mastering a musical instrument’, he supports individual filmmakers in their video expression.
  • Since 2000, she has been a member of the jury of the Tokyo Video Festival and is currently a director of the NPO Citizens’ TVF.
  • Manga researcher, specialist in production/expressionism
  • Sookyung YOO (Soo-san)
  • Specially Appointed Lecturer, Faculty of Manga, Kyoto Seika University 
  • Born in South Korea in 1986. After graduating from a Korean animation high school, Yoo moved to Japan in 2004. Majored in story manga at Kyoto Seika University and its graduate school, and obtained a PhD in arts at the same university in 2014. Currently, she is a specially-appointed lecturer at the Faculty of Manga, Kyoto Seika University. She is a researcher at the International Manga Research Centre at Kyoto Seika University and a member of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Cultures of Asia and Africa at the same university.
  • Ever since she can remember, she has been interested in writing and drawing, and decided to become a manga artist who can do two things at the same time. Later, she also turned her attention to manga studies and has been researching the visual expression of manga, making use of her perspective as a drawer and a foreigner.
  • She is involved in the planning and management of the African Manga Exhibition at the Kyoto International Manga Museum (26 Oct 2023 – 18 Feb 2024).
  • Specialist in “water” and “stone”
  • Reishi HASEGAWA (Hase-san)
  • Professional and Geotechnical Engineer, Geology and Geotechnical Department, Domestic Business Division, Business Headquarters, Yachiyo Engineering Co. 
  • Having developed a love of stones since primary school, Hasegawa studied the geology at Niigata University and postgraduate school before taking up his current position in 2003.
  • As a geotechnical engineer for a construction consultancy, he provides technical support to the national government, local governments and contractors, and conducts surveys, planning and design as an advisor in the development of highly public infrastructure, the creation of comfortable towns and cities, and the preservation of a rich natural environment with a variety of habitats.
  • Specialist in “water” : Thinking about Japan and the world through water
  • Junji HASHIMOTO (Jun-san)
  • Water journalist. Director of Aquasphere Water Education Institute. 
  • Junji researches and disseminates information on water issues and their solutions. He also collaborates with schools, local governments, and businesses to conduct exploratory studies on the topic of water. He received the Yahoo! News Individual Author Award 2019 as a writer who contributed to solving social issues.
  • Visiting professor at Musashino University, a research director of the “Future Water Vision” program at the Tokyo Foundation Institute for Policy Studies, and a board member of the NPO Regional Water Supply Support Center. Failure.
  • Expert on global water and sanitation issues
  • Erino MATSUO (Eri-san)
  • Matsuo became aware of the importance of water through volunteer work in Kenya when she was in high school, which sparked her interest in water issues. She studied water filtration at university and groundwater flow at graduate school, and then worked as a construction consultant for two years on groundwater surveys in Japan. She has applied for the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV), she also worked for WaterAid Japan, which she has been involved in since she was a university student. In 2024, she will join Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers in Rwanda.
  • She is a big fan of Malawi, having been to Malawi twice during university and postgraduate studies.

  • Programme Advisor for Multicultural Communication
  • Haruko NAGAE (Haru-chan)
  • Senior Programme Officer, The Japan Forum (TFJ) (https://www.tjf.or.jp/)
  • Double Japanese-Chinese. After working as a Japanese language teacher in the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV), at TFJ Nagae has been involved in the promotion of Japanese language education in primary and secondary schools in neighbouring countries, and for many years diverse foreign language education in Japanese junior and senior high schools and in mutual exchange projects between the youth of Japan and neighbouring countries who are learning each others languages and cultures.
  • In recent years, she has planned and organised the ‘Arts x Multicultural’ online exchange project for high school students in Japan and abroad, and the ‘Performance Camp’, where high school students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds in Japan can develop a multicultural mindset through artistic expression activities.
  • General Facilitator
  • Noriko NAMIKOSHI (Nami-san)
  • Board member of ALLjp (Animated Learning Lab in Japan)
  • General Producer
  • Hiromi ITO (Hitosan)
  • Board member of ALLjp (Animated Learning Lab in Japan)

Group leaders

Regarding photography, use of photographs, videos, etc.

  1. ALLjp (the organizer) will take photographs and record the activities using a web conferencing service application for publicity purposes. The above photos and videos, as well as works (animations and worksheets) created by the participants and their names (initials), may be published in reports and publications, on the Internet (including social media services), and at events and conferences hosted by ALLjp.
  2. This workshop is subsidized by the Children’s Yume Fund, and ALLjp is required to submit photographs showing the activity. Personal information (photos, etc.) submitted for reporting to the Children’s Yume Fund will not be used for any purpose other than Children’s Yume Fund subsidized activities, in accordance with the “Rules for the Appropriate Management of Personal Information Held by the National Institution for Youth Education”.

Inquiry & Application

  • For inquiries, please send an e-mail to Attn: Hitosan (Hiromi ITO).
  • The e-mail title should be “High School Students and Japanese Language Learners Workshop 2024”
  • Questions should be in Japanese or English.
    • info@alljp.org

Application Form

  • Registration will close as soon as capacity is reached.
  • This workshop is subject to change without notice.

令和6年度子どもゆめ基金 子ども体験活動 助成活動「アニメで、アイデアを伝える-高校生と日本語学習者のアニメーテッドラーニング 2024」(独立行政法人 国立青少年教育振興機構)– Kodomo Yume Fund

This workshop is planned and managed by ALLjp (Animate Learning Lab in Japan) for the purpose of promoting the spread of Animated Learning in Japan. This page may be copied or reprinted without our permission for the purpose of promoting the spread of Animated Learning and its practice. When doing so, please clearly state the source (such as the URL of this site) and the following copyright.

© 2024 一般社団法人アニメーテッドラーニングらぼ/Animated Learning Lab in Japan-ALLjp. All Rights Reserved.